Ripon College Campus Christian Fellowship

More Ways to Know God!
Bible Studies!
CCF 2009-2010
More ways to know God!
Prayer Requests & Praises

Books, movies, websites, etc that can help us know God better. A great site through Campus Crusade for Christ that has real answers to real questions.  Check it out for yourself to get some information on that question that has been bugging you. 
University of Destruction
The book is certainly not perfect--at times it seems to try to do "too much," but it does provide an interesting and compelling look at remaining a Christian in college.  Shockingly 50% of high school Christians report that they lost (partially or completely) their faith in college.  The book provides tips on overcoming the temptations of sex and drugs as well as the allure of humanism.  A site which lives up to its name, provides free books, bible lessons, music, etc.  Some offers require filling out a survey or are merely a "special introduction" to some sort of membership into a club.